Wednesday, December 21, 2011

[Interview] SHINee's Special Interview on Oricon Website.

Since debuting in June in Japan with Replay - You’re my everything- , they’ve had consecutive hits with Juliette and Lucifer, it’s the 5-person boys group, SHINee. Hear what they have to say about their first Japanese album, “The First”.
Debut year Compilation
You released “The First”, your first album in Japan, but, what did sort of album did you want to make?
【Jonghyun】 With the thoughts of everyone that gives us love as food, we wanted to make a album that gives the feeling that we’ve advanced even one more small step forward.
【Taemin】 We wanted to house all of the released singles and we wanted it to become a compilation of our debut year.
【Key】 I’m glad that we could have our first album so soon, while making the album, it really felt like we were debuting again in Japan.

The new songs, singing about the feeling of growing into an adult in “Better”,
coolly singing about an adult-ish love with the R&B tune Seesaw, etc are Japanese original songs along with Amigo and The SHINee World, etc standard songs from lives were recorded in Japanese, but, please tell us about each of your favourite songs and songs that made a deep impression with you.
【Onew 】 「The SHINee World」is a song that shows our enthusiasm towards our music. I’m glad that singing it again in Japanese we can introduce our feelings to everyone in Japan.
【Taemin】 For me it’s 「To Your Heart」. The outlook of the world from the lyrics is lovely, we sang the feelings/thoughts that I want to deliver to the fans.
【Key】 「Seesaw」 has a fresh melody that hasn’t been sung up until now, we had trouble catching on to the rhythm so that  impression has stuck with me.
【Jonghyun】 For me, 「BETTER」. I like the painful, powerful melody.
【Minho】 Isn’t 「Amigo」 bursting open with appeal. It’s cheerful and easy to get into, it’s fun singing it.

An album that includes the past and the future.
Surely 『THE FIRST』 feels like it includes everything from SHINee so far as well as what’s to come. What were your thoughts on the completed album.
【Key】 We fussed over many small details as we made it. Hearing our varied songs I was glad.
【Onew】 I thought it was really good work, I’d be happy if lots of people listened to it. And after, thinking of what sides (of us) we’ll show to everyone at the lives, I feel incredibly excited.
【Minho】 I think we were able to wrap up a good album, so I was very happy.
After too, I want to show everyone other different sides to us. Those listening to this album, I hope that from here they give us a lot of support.

Now lastly, moving away from talking about the album, please tell us what you’ve been into recently.
  【Key】 I’m collecting figurines. I like Disney characters, anime characters, etc.
When we were in New York, I easily bought tons. (laugh)
【Onew】 The other day, when we were shooting in Spain, I tried skateboarding, I really enjoyed it.
【Taemin】 Watching the Anime 『BLEACH』 (Channel TV Tokyo) is fun. My favourite characters are Kuchiki Rukia, then GrimmJow Jaguar Jack.
【Jongyun】 I like watching the Korean Comic TV show, “Comedy Big League”, and then, I like the anime “Evangelion but, right now I’m into the movie version.
【Minho】 I into preparing for Winter Fashion. I’m preparing winter clothing, I want to wear them soon. 
Source: Crissan
Credit: SHINee Town

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