Friday, July 12, 2013

[Twitter] 120713 Jonghyun's Twitter Updates (Eng Trans)

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[English Translation] 
Why did Roo get so fat?
Look here, lose some weight
Stop eating now
You're no longer a beautiful dog
Now you're my chubby pillow
Get rid of the pillow stuck in your stomach
I'll ignore spelling for a moment
Then is this a poetic license?
Sorry, I'll stop

(T/N: All the sentences in this picture end with "gae". On it's own, it means "dog", but can mean several things when added to the end of a sentence.)

[English Translation] 
Have you see this?
I just saw it... keke
My friend sent it to me. He must wanna be hit... keke

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[Picture Translation]

When I first saw you
Did you see my face turn red
I try to send you a Kakaotalk
You must be busy
I think I like you

(T/N: All the sentences in this picture end with "bom". On it's own, it means "spring", but can mean several things when added to the end of a sentence. Jonghyun also followed the pattern and ended all of his tweets with "bom".)

Source: @realjonghyun90
Picture: @realjonghyun90 & @JjongFacts
English Translation By: @shiningtweets

Please take out with FULL credits.

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